Thursday, September 29, 2011

She is Magical

Maybe it's the late night conversations in bed, or the endless meal stories. Possibly this all stemmed from that Question asked to myself weeks earlier, "What is your childs/childrens Birth right?"  Is it me choosing to be present. But I can't help but notice the magic in Truthys voice, her toes, her smile, her laughter, her body language.

 Everything is Magic. From her eyes gazing up at the sky noticing and asking "look mommy it is beautiful, who did this.?" (noticing the blue sky). Or the excitement from windows open as we cruise in  the truck and her love for WIND! I love her stories. I love her presence. I love that all she knows is the NOW. She doesn't remind me of yesterdays nor care about what is to come. I love her bold statements about "my feet are too little, I want yours." to "I am a girl, I like girls, Stella, Marley, Sally, they are my friends, they can all sleep with me!!!" But nothing gets better then watching her nurture her brothers, babies, stuffed animals....and saying 'I Love you..which sounds like "I wove you." She helps to keep me in check. To ask myself what could be more amazing then truly loving life. Pure happiness. Pure LOVE.

1 comment:

Tom E said...

She is such a sweet girl. Thanks for sharing this reflection Natalie. GrandPa Tom