Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer with Emily.

I guess you could say it was a fast, warm, playful, eventful, time for us. I apparently shut off the computer often enough to skip our life in a blog. Maybe these times away create a space that excites me to return. Fall always seems like a place of returning, organizing, planning, committing, changing. Our summer created our changes. Emily changed our family. We live in great space, high on the mountain side, a bumpy gravel road leads us there. We drive daily to visit town, play, socialize, rejuvenate via gym, toss a ball at T-ball. When we retreat we garden, play with chickens, mountain bike, hike, play...alone with Eamonn way. Then Emily moved in across the street. Cedar, Orien and Truthy were so ALIVE with a neighbor friend. Cedar fell in love with his perfect life....mountains, friends and neighbor. It has brought on big conversations of finding a neighborhood that will fill us up but not over do it. We aren't city folk, we like a little privacy, we like to know our community...and so Lyons will one day be our next  home.

Summer in a blurrr goes like this....Cedar turns 7!!!!!!

Cedar turns 7 Little House on the Prairie Style!

We built a Log Cabin like Pa for his Party!

Cedar and his new mountain bike

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