Friday, September 16, 2011

Forest School

" When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,
When we escape like squirrels
Turning in the cages of our personality
And get into forests again,
We shall shiver with cold and fright
But things will happen to us
So that we don't know ourselves

Cool, unlying life will rush in,
And, passion will make our bodies taut with power,
We shall stamp our feet with new power
And old things will fall down,
We shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like burnt paper"
-D.H. Lawerence

Our Forest School. Our home in homeschooling. Our purpose for family time in this wild, open forest space. We have gathered for years now in this forest play. It has swayed from purposeful hikes with destinations, to a forest to simply exist in. It was our outdoor Enki classroom for a time. It was our Friday classes with Simon and Wild Earth's Children. It has been a place for Mamas to chat and kids to play. Over the years we have evolved. We have decided what makes this important. The community has changed. The reasoning new. This is our home. This is our treasure as a family. This is where we throw out the supposed tos of life truly use our intuition and go with the present with a plan for the future...A future plan with no time line. The purpose is simple to gather in the forest with a community that also craves, needs, makes it a commitment to there as well. Come rain, snow, hot sun, cool winds we will be there. We play, we wander, we plant seeds without a needed outcome. We taste the air like snakes, wander like deers, examine scat, follow tracks, build shelters, run, walk, hide, laugh, find pure silence and go back to our roots. We are alive and well. We leave filled up and crave our next visit to this magical place we have created. I am so blessed to have this place, these people, my family to share this with.

1 comment:

Tom E said...

I loved the video you posted of The Forest School. I love the door to the hut and they way everyone ran inside. How did they all fit I wondered and then they did and then they burst out the door. peace GrandPa Tom