Tuesday, October 4, 2011

new colors

A busy season of life is among us. Really the busiest season we hold. We try to get it all in from work, soccer, dance, school, adventures, home projects..and then we blink and the leaves have fallen and there is the first snow. I am trying to capture moments where we breathed a bit slower, wandered a bit deeper and relaxed in the last of the warm sun. We have started a new school year. Last year I felt so ready to blog our every days. Now I might just need to motivate a bit as to not miss the beginnings,  middle and ends of our many days. Cedar is 7. He is excited to be back with the Enki curriculum. We have finished out the end of 1st grade and are just beginning 2nd. He feels old and ready for new stories, drawings, etc.He is starting to enjoy taking the time to sound out words as well as recognize them when we read and write together. This is the beginning of our new year today! We are starting this week with our first cultural block. Native American/Apache culture. We have started with our trickster tales and will soon share some of his work. Our table is much more full. Full of 3 little people who all  insist in having a place while we school. I am having to breath in, add papers, colors, paintbrushes, stories to capture Truth, Orien and Cedar. Cedar is leaving the center of the school attention and now assisting me in Oriens school and keeping me from being annoyed at T's excitement to write, color, paint and simply be around us while we school!

Orien is beginning his K year with Enki, he is 5 and ready for some fun crafts and stories! I keep asking myself who is Orien going to be as we start this school adventure. It seems he's going to be my slow and steady little guy. He loves having his time to trace letters in the sand, write on the chalk board and grins whenever he has mastered a new letter to write or a shape coloring has come out as he wishes. On some many levels it feels like his 3rd year beginning for Enki as well! I keep noticing how much he needs to play with his body, balance doesn't come easy I think I will finally feel like the movements Enki offers will help him as immensely.. I love watching him grow into the calm, loving, gentle, boy.  Both boys are also going to Options, a home school program, held one day a week where they can be students in a school setting. They are in the same class K/1st grade.  Full day of Language Arts, group music/play, math and science...they love a day of social time and structure! It seems for one year we have twins! Playing on the same soccer team , attending the same school programs. I can already see the brotherly moments. Competition over girls???!!! Here we go.....

We have also begun to revisit or forest. It took 8 years of living up here, a dear friend to move too far to romp together weekly to visit the forests only minutes from our house. We have 2 places. One with tall grass, open fields, pines and rocks. The other Aspen groves that are endless! We have built a tepee and continue to revisit it often. When the leaves are falling I don't know where else I'd rather live then right here. Minutes from Aspens galore!

I can't find a more wonderful, joyful place to be!

When we crave peace it is still only found in the woods..and I am blessed to be able to seek these places so quickly.
A place we can dance, sing, wander, collect, build, track, find, live

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