Wednesday, September 15, 2010

weekends followed by weeks!

weekends roll in and in Estes that means
there is always a festival or weekend celebration
This week it was the Scottish Festival which means
PARADE and CANDY time.
here is Orien the way I see him most the times these days!!
A happy guy in his boots and chocolate face!~

Our dear friend April with her daughter Stella and Truthy watching the bands!
Our second week of school is going great. These are a bit out of our weekly order. Our first grade on fairy tale this week is 'Jumping Mouse' the whole family heard this light, story of a magical frog who assists a mouse in his yearning to head to the far-off land. Along his journey he helps other animals in need...the kids really enjoyed this story. Below is a free drawing of Cedars in his journal about our 2nd story 'Vasily and the Dragon' We have chosen to read each story two times during our first block. I was shocked at the details Cedar remembered after just one reading and no-recall.
Here is Cedars Verse writing of Jumping Mouse. He loves to write.

Here is his letter J and j in his good book.

And here is his led drawing of the story Jumping Mouse.

We have also been walking a form walk every morning as part of our "movement circle" we have walked this form for a week. Then we brought it to the chalk board, sand and finally his form drawing book. It represents a straight line and a curve. It seemed to be easy for him. We have started a castle form walk that we will draw on in another week. This

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