Friday, September 18, 2009

An enki week

Posted by PicasaA busy week of Enki K has come and gone
It is mid-September so we have begun our new "adventure circle"
We have stuck with a story of magical fairies who can have tasks and helpful moments along there daily journey! Always starting with "Ting a ling a ting" to gather our family..followed by fairies waking and dancing around the forest to "Sally goes round the sun"
as the fairies dance away the morning they notice signs of fall and realize it is time to prepare for the coming cold weather..gathering apples from the "apple orchard." With handfuls of apples the fairies hop in there boats to head to town..along the way they meet "mother swan" who seems tired and has forgotten how to waddle and swim! The fairies magically turn into swans, waddling, swimming, and resting while there swan friend follows them! When they realize all is well with the swan they continue on there adventure down the river..hearing the loud voices of "woodcutters" working to gather, cut, haul wood for shelters and warmth! The fairies join there gnome cutter friends and again wander back down stream with plenty of wood for there house and heat. They hear the wind hustling and bustling, climb high up trees, shaking the Bright leaves..riding down trees and land in "autumn leaves" spiraling all around. When they calm from the winds they notice a squirrel. Stuck in a tree..needing help to jump from tree to tree..magically they turn into "squirrels" jumping from tree to tree, shaking there bushy tails..and ending tired and hungry! They gather berries, apples eat and rest..awaking to become "star fairies" and ending in our group holding hands singing ending in namaste.
The rest of our week along with morning adventures has consisted of baking gluten free zucchini bread. Learning how to tie knots with the Knot jingles sticks. A co-op day in the woods acting like beavers in a stream, and flying kites! We attempt to always have baking on Mondays, craft on Tuesdays, enki co-op forest day on Wednesday, water color painting on Fridays. And add some park and rec soccer when they days feel right!

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