Sunday, September 13, 2009

enki Craft

I am trying to find rhythm. Rhythm in our days. From sun up to sundown there are a million transitions and moments that I, my family, fill. We have officially started our Kindergarten year of homeschooling using the Enki Curriculum. To learn more about this go to Enki . So we are no finding rhythm in our days filling them with adventure circles, creative play, Folk and Fairy stories from around the world, gardening, chores, outdoor play, baking, crafts, errands, and well as our co-op weekly!! To say the least we are busy and within all if this need Rhythm! I have learned that chaos does not feed Cedar, but calm transitions do! I have learned that activities after 6pm do not feed Cedar, but running in the woods with friends in the morning does! I have learned that Cedar can work with beeswax, play dough, painting for hours, but jumping after dinner does not fair well!!!! And there is so much more! We have accomplished our first craft/science project. It took a bit of time between gathering wild flowers from our land, pressing them to dry, water color paints on card stock, cutting cards, and finally gluing the flowers!

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