Friday, October 14, 2011

Soccer and Endings all too soon

Another week is amongst us. A week Cedar is definitely not ready for to end.  Fall comes, heat depletes, and were luckily left with green fields. Free to laughing, wrestling, running, kicking, guarding, happy 5-7 yr old. I am sad for us as a family. Saturday rituals of watching the Tigers play games. Chatting with other families, being apart of a friendly community.  I'm  the Mom on the sidelines, yes the loud cheerleader, the  one excited by every kiddos attempts!  Surprise I know! At times I try to keep my mouth shut but can't. It's those moments where I realize this is who I am ...I  am the one yelling, laughing and encouraging. (sorry parents who I am annoyed!!!) We will miss this fall tradition as the snows start falling and the fields turn brown. Where else can we watch kids soccer while Elk rutt and bugle feet away! Where else can we turn and see snow capped mountains while sipping hot chocolate and finishing another chilly soccer day!?

My boys Love soccer.

Cedar loves everything about the sport. From the endless running, dribbling, passing, and of course scoring goals!!!!  He is a team player. He is a talker and planner. He seems to get that at times better to do then expect others to do! He is a leader. A position I haven't seem his in until now. He has strategy, gets his teammates on the same page and goes. I have really enjoyed watching him bloom during this season. I stand strong  in our decision to keep him as a 1st grader this year. He has had the season to build self esteem, mature not only as a boy, but athlete and student.  He has gotten to feel old, and big Something he rarely feels wearing his baggy size 6 pants!!! I love seeing Cedar yell  out to us from the field  when he gets another point, showing with his fingers the score! Then he skips back to the middle for another kick off. It doesn't get any better for a Mama then seeing sheer bliss across my boys faces.

Orien has become a soccer lover as well. I expected no more then a free, happy Orien out on the field. I was shocked at the first practice when he had control of the ball and looked ever so confident cruising down the field. He scored his first goal in a game and is still grinning weeks later. He has strategy and confidence and I couldn't be more happy for him. He can stand in the goalie box  not intimidated, while I close my eyes as the balls come cruising near him! He knows the game, plays the game and ends everyday saying "Mom, I like Soccer!"

1 comment:

Tom E said...

This is a wonderful description Natalie. I wish we lived lcoser so we could come and cheer and watch them play. Sounds fantastic. Thanks for making it so real for a GrandPa who is so far away.