Friday, November 26, 2010

catch the glow

I try to capture EVERYTHING with a camera. I want to have memories that last a lifetime. I regret that I haven't printed a picture since Truthy was 8 weeks old and wonder how I can ever catch up on all those digital pics. But non the less I have thousands of pictures of my family....from our first holidays to the little sweet candid shots of life. Finally tonight I had to let that go. I didn't get one single picture of my family,  great friends, or anything!!!!! We were celebrating the holidays at the "catch the glow" parade in Estes. We had one of those great. jam packed days. The kind I cherish as we don't do them too often because well....tomorrow wont be fun! But today it was worth it. The post Thanksgiving ( which was perfect) day. We woke early, headed to Eldora for some bunny hill snowboarding and skiing with our buddy Jackson and his papa. We rode as the snow fell....and then dined till our belly's we too full again! Played at our friends home, got to town in time to watch the parade with arms over bodies in boy hugs, and sipped Bailey's and coffee as the floats cruised by.

And I don't have a picture to prove it. Maybe it is nice to not be able to capture today past the slight shots in my brain. I know in years to come Cedar will be able to tell me about today as it was moment to moment...and sadly I will have forgotten it all together. For now I am thankful to have listened to the giggle from Orien as he skied down the hills, watched as Cedar and Jackson cuddled in a chair together, and secretly peeked as Truthy rocked her baby to bed far after 9pm at the Hurley's home...I will have caught friends wide mouth smiles, laughed at Bergen's BIG grin hours before his 1 yr birthday,   heard Jody tell and laugh at stories with Mike,listened and laughed with Julies loud happy laugh, watched Orien hide with a grin from Mike, noticed the silence and wide eyes as the police and firemen drove though to start the parade,  and held Truthy as she sips another bottle of milk.  And so I am thankful for a full day. A day only captured in the now...and as I re-charge the camera I look forward to millions more caught with and without the flash of memories.

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