Cedar loves his chicks! orien isnt' quite ready to hold them, but I do hear him talking to them lots!!!!
9 little chicks
Here they are the newest additions to the family!! We have been talking about chickens for years..quite possibly since Jody and I meet 8 years ago..so now was the time. Springtime and lots of chicks to play with! We have made them a comfortable brooder that they stay in right now, in the house of course. We dont want them to get tooo chilly at night. They are sweet, little peepers who snooze, eat, and peep some more. The boys love to go and chat with them and Cedar is a great helper, feeding them, holding them, and checking on them all day!! Hopefully these fast growing chickens will be great egg layers!! Though we have lots of time before that happens...have to start converting the shed into the coop....they wil be ready in about 4-5 weeks to head outside. well keep the blog posted on there development and now we need lots of names..any ideas!!!!
wow! chickens! soon, 10 new mouths to feed! how are you feeling mama? will we ever get to talk again??
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