Monday, October 11, 2010


Cedar doing what Cedar does best climbing on trees and grinning from ear to ear

apparently purses go everywhere???

hiding amongest the golden aspens!

a tiny sign of moisture on this fall day

by far the boys favorite part of our woods time, tall grass, taller then them!!
I am having one of those days where my heart is being worn on my outsides and it is ever so present. Love that is always present is now an intense feeling, something I figure almost unfathomable to others yet we all have the feeling from time to time. It feels like something I wish I could freeze, and make an always kind of feeling, but such as life that just isn't how the world works. Just an ordinary Monday but not. When I watched all 3 kids get on their bikes (yes Truthy included) and hit the dirt road hill a rushing feeling of bliss filled my body. This morning i am in the present and blessed. WOW, I am spoiled to have three kids. How did I get here? How did Jody and I get here!!?? I get to spend everyday with my family, from the playing to the dirty chores. I think this is where the heart takes over  from time ti time. Our body isn't our own, our mind isn't ours but the feeling of love is all that is left. I want to stay here forever. Mondays, just an ordinary day, yet so much more..and I truly believe the kids felt that energy as well. We just enjoyed each other all day. The kids enjoyed there sibling company and we all enjoyed our time. And so we did what we do best. We played, had lesson time, and romped in the woods.

1 comment:

Brynn said...

I know that feeling. so good. lovely spot. fall leaf forest school at your neighborhood next year!