Monday, April 5, 2010

Free in the Outside

Sometimes I stir the pot too much. I stay inside on windy days. I don't bundle the kids on spring snows. I get that overwhelming urge to stay in....soak up a movie and let the kids be inside junkies. And then it takes a day in the woods to clear all our heads. To re-connect with our true inner and outer shells and there in the woods all remands calm. It has happened more often lately with a late spring of snow and wind.

The kids don't mind the wind. The kids don't need or want the layer. They want the elements. We spent the day on Bobcat Ridge with great friends recently and I knew this was where our hearts it. It wasn't perfect, Dark clouds, winds, a crying Truthy teething. But in the end a wandering back to the roots of animal prints, budding cacti, kids running, rain pouring and still they Cedar remained calm. He ran farther then he ever has, laughed loud, worried little and was FREE.

So the next time the wind howls, the snow falls, I too will join my family to experience life outside in the real world!!

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