Thursday, April 29, 2010


Orien is officially 4. He is big. He is loving, cuddly, silly, soft, loud, imaginative, a super hero and a fairy! Orien is into life. He loves his millions of plush friends, his wooden characters, castles kings, knights, princesses! He loves to dance, play soccer at home, play in dirt with his diggers. He LOVES his brother and sister. Spends time everyday playing "kitchen" with Truth, Trucks with Cedar and catching the chickens! Orien has always had a soft side. He is always needing some "hold me mom" time. He loves books and is a creative little guy! He is big now, He sleeps in a bunk bed with Cedar. He ride 4-wheelers with Papa. He loves his friends. Anna is his girlfriend they play mommy-baby! Or princess or whatever she says..he just likes playing with her!! He loves his friend Guthrie as well..they play in the in a language they make up and giggle like only boys can!!! He dances and loves it. He will be a bumble bee soon for the recital! He has the first cast of the eamonn family on..jumped wrong out of the RV! He doesn't mind though I doubt this cast makes it until the next xray!! He loves camping, our dogs, sunlight and the moon. He is a lover. Happy Birthday Orien Aatmaani!!!!

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