Thursday, June 11, 2009

the facts of life

So it has become obvious to me that I am not in control, nor was I, or will I be able to control Mother Nature! You could say we, the Eamonns, have started a hobby farm! It has been fun, but with everything new comes the reality of the good, bad, and ugly! About a year ago we were getting our first egg from our chickens! and then we began to dream. We have land, we love animals, we want a place our kiddos are filled up with nurturing, growth, love, chores, and change. And so we added goats..lots more chickens and now a 900 sq ft space for gardening. And in the last couple monthes we have been tested. We have had goats chased by dogs, goats attacked by a dog, chickens getting out and eaten by dogs...and the garden fighting the weather, lack of sun and warm temperatures and goats who find snacks out of starter plants. So I surrender. Surrender to any expectation I might have had about eating lush bright red tomatoes, crunchy cucumbers, spicy mouth is drooling..and all this helps me to be able to have a glimpse into so many peoples lives. To have investes every last penny on a gamble of what kind of crop will produce throught the season. I am impressed that people for lifetimes have dedicated there entire life to crops. And damn I get it, get CSA's, I get the pain, and to no level can I say I understand what it must feel like to have an entire crop flushed away by snow, heavy rain,lack there of rain, and hail. To loose it all and have to hope for another yr to play catch up on credit So to all the True Farmers...I cross my fingers that this season brings more them can be eaten in one season. I cross my fingers my kids can pick one strawberry and taste the sweetness in a job well done of weeding, watering, waiting patiently for mother nature to so her part..what that may be this summer of 09'
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Brynn said...

Amen just reaffirmed our CSA decision. Share the risk, share the harvest. And don't lose hope on that garden, warmer temps will come and then, in the not-so-distant future, you'll be wading through knee deep green. I just know it will happen.

Tom E said...

You said it very well Natalie.

Jeanne and I have been there and done that time and time again.

Love the collage of photos. That is so cool

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