Monday, June 22, 2009

5 years and 2 days later!!

with a blink of an eye Cedar Ojassa Eamonn has yet again been with us one more yr. From our first baby love to our first 5 yr old!!!! We have been counting down to 5 for months. How ironic that when you are this young birthday just never come fast enough, and well we the adults know all about the opposite. Wishing time would slow down.


You are 5. This has been the age you have been dreaming about for months! I don't think it is the age but the awareness that with birthdays come celebrations!! We celebrated from dawn until dusk on the 20th. Your friends came up, hit the pinata, feasted, chased goats, had sword fights and played, played, played!!!!!

Cedar you are ever changing and growing up. Our conversations have become times I am shocked by your ever thinking world!! But always Magical!!! From the biggest question of "who or what was the first animal here, and how did it get here?" to the more random daily wondering about fruit growing, tool working, fairy wondering questions. You LOVE to be outside. You can find something to do in the woods for hours!! You dream of building, are always ready to help daddy with chores, and have built a tepee and cabin in the last month!! You spend 2 to 3 times a week wandering in the woods with your friend Emmett, and are always excited to be there. You have also begun to ride your bike without training wheels..well actually for the last half of the yr you have been cruising around the lake walk and all over the mountain. You danced for your second yr and love every minute of it!! Your favorite move is when you have your hands on you hips and are moving from side to side!!! You danced both tap and ballet for the recital. You also are now playing T-ball and every time we go you tell us how much you LOVE it We got a big thumbs up the first time you caught the ball...

In so many ways you are the same sweet, high energy, persistent, strong willed boy. And I continue to try to find ways of honoring your strong will and energy!!!! when you really believe what you want you will go the extra mile to get it and I believe this will do you well as you age!! I don't see you as someone who ever gives up...You have started your first yr of homeschooling with the Enki curriculum and you are always to excited to do it. You really enjoy the circle adventures, love to be animals and fairy, and enjoy all of the folk and fairy tales! You are finger crocheting, painting, working with wax, and baking weekly.

Cedar you are a hoot to be with! Things you love: cuddling in the morning, taking hours to go to bed (night owl), love the sunshine, diggers, bugs, building, destroying, hiding piles of toys behind your bed, pictures taken of you, books, fairy's, pirates, swords, animals, being mischievous, being with your family....

we love you and cant wait for the Big 5 to come alive!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Tom E said...

Great description of a great little boy. Five years old! Wow.

Love you Cedar

Grandpa Tom