Friday, February 6, 2009

Learning along the way

It always feels good to make personal choices..when I want to go to bed, when I want to learn a new hobby, etc..and it seems recently Cedar is aging. Aging to that special place where he can truly honor himself, know where he is comfortable and challenge himself when he feels confident. When Cedar turned 4 I found myself encouraging him to ride his bike, encouraging him to not be scared of change, and as I watched him continue to not be ready for newness...for example swimming lessons. I always felt guilty, guilty that I had done something wrong. That somehow I was not nurturing a confident, high self esteem little guy. But now I get it. I get that timing is everything. Development isn't something to be rushed, made to happen. A certain age doesn't mean new thing will come..When the time is right, when the activity is exciting, when the child is ready to bloom it seems almost effortless! And now Cedar makes hings looks effortless and full of joy. His biking, writing letters, swimming in semi-private lessons. He starts these activities glowing and glows throughout the days into the weeks. So proud, so ecstatic. And i can stand back and be sure time, love and patience make all new buds grow strong.

1 comment:

Tom E said...

Great description of a great little guy learning and discovering what life is all about.