Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The new farm!

For the past 11 years Jody has cocontinued to say one thing. "I want to know where my food comes from, and if I can raise, hunt, kill to provide." And so to keep this Jody remained a vegetarian for 10 years. Last summer everything changed. We decided to dive in grass fed beef, and other locally raised meat. We were done with the chemicals encompassing out "fake" meat foods and dyes and knew real, well raised foods would be healthiest for our family. We have raised chickens for 3 yrs and consume an amazing amount of eggs. We have attempted a garden for 2 years and have high hopes that this  year will be even better. So the next step. Livestock. We've decided to begin with chickens. With the help of friends we have a chicken tractor prepared and are ordering our broilers tomorrow. I am confident we can do this, but know there will be some pain involved in the process.  The boys are excited about raising their meat, and seem at peace with killing them for healthy food. I on the other hand will probably be the last to celebrate the day of processing and hope this gives us a true reality on blessing and being able to be one with our meat.
Dave and Jody building the chicken tractor

Cedar and Kahill test out their muscles to see if they can move it! Orien and Chase watch!99//*

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