Monday, December 3, 2007

little boys cure all

so I will have to admit I have been in a funk..can't pinpoint it exactly..if i had to guess it would be that i am so blessed with endless hormone changes due the the little babe growing in the belly!! But let me tell you it has not been fun!! Everything seems to just errrrrk me the wrong way...from endless nights of jod getting home late, to sitting around the house a bit too much.(TV ON).to the house completely being trashed in 3.2 seconds with my distructor cedar around...I am annoyed..can you tell...oh and the best..those fatty feelings as my body takes on complete control and leaves me in the dust, waiting for the comments to start...How big..when are you poor thing...(note all things never to say to me or any other pregnant women) Oh pregnancy..the joys...the excitement..the emotional roller coasters! But all in all when my little boys say "i love you" with hugs and kisses there just isn't a better cure for the blues!



I imagine it is for sure the soaring wild hormones of being pregnant. Even though it was long ago I can still remember that feeling. It's like your body has a life of its own (which it really does when you're pregnant of course)--a body-life that is separate from your mind--very separate from your rational mind!! You are so wise to see the blessing of having those dear little boys showing up with their I love you's at just the right moment.
Plus hasn't winter really come to Colorado already? The shorter days always make me feel a bit darker, shorter myself.

amanda jane said...

those sweet, sweet boys of yours! yes, sure to pull anyone from the funk. it is hard to gain perspective when your homones are changing, you're sleep deprived and taking care of two boys!!! actually, i can't imagine! i only have one, but i do know how you feel, and let me assure you it is NORMAL!!!!!! love you and miss you. can't wait to see you over christmas.