Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Beginnings and Ends

We have decided to move.
Yes, it took a little time but as usual we came to a quick agreement to get ready for a move. I am not sure exactly why this was the summer but it just was. And so it goes a house on the market and one to find.

That is where is gets complicated for our hearts. In the mumbo jumbo of house hunting we came across a new neighborhood. And again quite quickly decided that building in Prairie Village would be our new home. I guess we just are a go with your gut kind of family. It all feels a little out of body for us. Is this the right decision? Are we truly ready for suburban? To build and not recycle and existing home? Are we ready to have neighbors who practically live in our yard? Should we listen to that other voice that still brings up a Bus transformed into an RV and a looooong trip to Alaska? Or when we dream of acres and acre of land to do as we choose???? Can I still share my passion of the wilderness with my kids? Is this simply our many EGOS coming out to make us think. YES YES YES....but in the end I question ...does it make a better place for us as a family. The kids could care less where we live. What does Cedar ask "will my toys be there? And my bed?" Really it is will mommy and daddy be there. Yes, I value my time with Jody and the kids. To have more time for the boys to jump on daddy and eat as a family. It seems only right to live near the work world, near the places we want to play, and to be able to leave the car behind. In the mean time we keep living. Like so many other decisions, along the way many possibilities will greet us. It is exciting to witness a plan become a reality.

So with a FOR SALE on one house, a digger on the other lot we wait..as it is a true lesson of patience.

1 comment:

Tom E said...

Love the house. Can't wait to come out and stay with you!!!

Funny that you are building and we are gutting and renovating.

Love you Grandma Tom