Monday, September 19, 2011

In Honor

A friend morns her loss today. And I honor a man I never met. We all have our family. Mine complete with my parents both happy, healthy folk. We have those blood relations that hold stronger then any other in times of happiness and crisis. And then there is friend family. The generation I'm in seems to hold strong friendships like family. They become our  extended sisters and brothers. Our kids Aunties and Uncles if you will. They hold the strength needed in friendship and the love needed in family. I am honored to have a great friend family as well. Today I honor my sister Sharp's papa. Her father I never meet but  know he must have been one heck of a man to have a daughter as solid as Sarah is. She is true to herself. She carries pure love. She shares her loud solid laugh, big beautiful eyes, her passion for life and others. I listened to her tales of the last year and a half. Of her father getting cancer. Of how he was/is a fighter for life, he fought hard for more days with his family. I have heard of all the many times Dr thought he couldn't fight more and for the many extra months he lived a joyful life. I sadly heard of his transitions in health over the summer. How Sharp sat by his side while he slept just to be with him. And I too crossed my fingers for many more days. And then like cancer does so well it ended his life. And again I have been shocked by how solid Sharp maintains everything. She keeps it in perspective. She celebrates and I imagine keeps her family going. So here is to you Papa Sharp. For a great life, and a great sister Sharp. Today I hold a heavy heart but add a glass of wine and a positive light.

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