Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blooming in a time of darkness

While the winter temps bobble up and down. While the snow fall, melts and falls again it seems we get this attitude that all is dead, or in a time of waiting. But not at our house. It seems winter has come with the attitude that we are blooming. Cedar has become obsessed with riding his bike (without training wheels) all day long. He is ready to cruise hill, lake walk and anything in between, His friends are all in the same craze which make for some entertaining rides! Cedar has also found a love for snow shoeing. We headed to Brainerd lake last weekend and he walked for hours. Loving the high hills to climb.

Orien is simply blooming. He seems ever so comfortable in his skin! He has been shocking me with his change in attitude out in the snow. Our past experiences have left him crying, non-mobile. But now he is a wanderer. He loves the snow as well as his strider bike. He is such a sweet guy and seems to be so much more comfortable in his little toddler world. Full of smiles, laughter, and stepping outside of his comfort zone.

Truth is Truth, A laughing little one who has figured out this scoot around the house world. She is the ever so "adaptable" baby! Loves all weather, all activities and loves to snuggle tight next to mama all night long.

As a family we are blooming with changes..we are truly saving $ paying off vs, spending. In fact all we buy is our groceries and gas. It is showing us the power of a quick change. We have also become members of a dairy co-op allowing us to buy all rawmilk ...which means making our own cheese and yogurt..we are anxiously awaiting the yogurt maker!!!! We added 6 chicks to the coop, which did not go smoothly, unfortunately one did not make it though her fist day with the big girls..and so we changes the coop-/shed into all coop..separating the littles from the bigs and discuss adding more....I have a dream of selling eggs at the local farmers marker this summer..we'll see.

We are in the midst of adding goats as keep the grass mowed down all summer and help us compost away all of our junk~!!!!! this spring we are going to start our first "green house' and get a garden going in the dry, mountains,.,which I think will take some TLC!
So in a time when so much is dead I feel fortunate to have such light and joy. We hope it snow soon so we can ge back outside for out Winter Wednesday adventures as well.

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1 comment:

Brynn said...

Amen sister! It is the blessing of the wind. When the air isn't dead, we don't get stale. Love this journey with y'all.